Episode 02: Interview with Steven Kenny

Download the Podcast Episode HERE.

Steven Kenny is an award-winning, full-time, professional visual artist. He paints stunning surreal images that have been collected and recognized all over the world. Though this took him many years, this isn’t an impossible feat for any artist – it just takes patience, persistence, and a commitment to trying.


Look, any kind of success takes time. Unless you are one of the lucky few artists that happen to meet the right person at the right time (or have an endless supply of money already), you must be patient and okay with slow growth. Finding your correct audience and building a following on social media is not a week, month, or even a year-long endeavor. Steven Kenny admitted that even with his amazing painting talent and illustration history, it took him YEARS to be able to make a full-time income with his art.


Rejection sucks. I know – I just got rejected for the second time from the Academy of Art University’s Spring Showcase…. the Art Circle Competition….and the Luxembourg Art Prize. Believe it or not – the famous Steven Kenny has struggled with his fair share of rejection too. However, you can’t stop when one person/gallery says no. You MUST BE PERSISTENT.

Don’t give up on your work. In fact, oftentimes it isn’t the work that is being rejected…you may not get a full review or consideration because paperwork isn’t filled out correctly. Steven Kenny shared an incident where he applied for a grant and was rejected simply because the paperwork was wrong. The next time he applied he worked with someone who knew how to do it right…and guess what?! He got it!

Really plan out your artist statement and pay attention to all the details of an application – they matter!

You better believe I will be applying to the Spring Showcase, Luxembourg Art Prize, and many more galleries next year.

Commitment to Trying:

You have to be committed to something if you are going to do it for years. Think about it, we don’t look for a long-term relationship by dating a person for a day (I mean unless they are an awful person). Instead, we commit. We decide we are going to put in our best effort and recognize that it may take years to end up where you want the relationship to be.

The same thing applies to your art goals. You have to make art – tons of art. Good art. Bad art. Just make art. You need to dedicate time to your social media accounts to build a following. You need to spend time at galleries and community events to learn about art. Donate time to your community through volunteering or attending community events to build a relationship with the people who live near you. Ultimately, you must build a plan and set measurable goals that can be taken in small steps.

Reach out to people who are doing what you want to do. Heck! Hire a coach (shameless plug here) who can teach you how to reach your professional art goals and build your confidence.

Most importantly – don’t give up on yourself, your art, or your dreams. Getting something done is better than waiting to get it done perfectly – because that will never come.

Watch the full Steven Kenny Interview Below.

Can’t afford a coach? Reach out to me and let’s talk for 15 minutes. I can still help you frame your dreams in a measurable way. Plus, I want us to build a community of artists together…and we can only do that if we talk!


Episode 03: Sowing the Seeds of Success


Episode 01: About Kayla & This Podcast